This year, Friends of Cocos Island actively participated in the celebration of National Parks Day, on the 50th anniversary of the creation of Guayabo National Monument. The festivities took place in the vibrant city of Turrialba from August 22-24.  Friends of Cocos Island (FAICO) participated and collaborated with the Cocos Marine Conservation Area in a series of activities that made it possible to raise awareness and disclose the importance of our beautiful Cocos Island National Park and its adjacent ecosystems.

Market on Experiences in Environmental Education:

On August 22 and 23, the different Conservation Areas proudly showed their initiatives and achievements in the Experience Market. The participants, who included students of different educational levels, civil servants, indigenous leaders from Turrialba, and other stakeholders, were able to interact and learn through recreational activities and exhibits. The focus was on environmental education and biodiversity conservation. It was an honor to witness the official celebration of the anniversary of the University of Costa Rica and to see its authorities visit and appreciate the stands of the little market.

5-a-side Soccer Championship:

Inclusion and integration were the central concepts of the 5-a-side Soccer Championship held on August 22 and 23. The mixed teams, made up of men and women, competed with sportsmanship and camaraderie. It was inspiring to see the representation of each of the conservation areas on the playing field.

Night Tour:

On August 22, a group of officials went on a nocturnal adventure to Guayabo National Monument. It was a mystical and revealing experience, allowing the participants to connect with the history and nature of the monument under the starry sky.

Monumento Nacional Guayabo

Guayabo National Monument

Park Rangers Meeting:

One of the most emotional moments was the gathering on August 23. This day, dedicated to celebrating National Park Ranger Day, was a fusion of stories, anecdotes, and shared memories. Generations of park rangers exchanged experiences, from veterans who have served the country for decades to rookies full of energy and hope. The day was dotted with narratives, games, and a historical exhibition of memories obtained over the years.

On August 24, we participated on the official ceremony to celebrate National Parks Day, where we were able to enjoy different participations and tributes to the communities that contribute efforts to strengthen the protection of our biodiversity.

These days have been a clear example of the dedication, passion, and commitment of all the people involved in the protection and conservation of the rich biodiversity of Costa Rica. At FAICO, we feel fortunate to have been part of this experience, and we reaffirm our commitment to continue working together with the Cocos Marine Conservation Area and all our partners in the protection of our invaluable natural heritage.