Cocos Marine Conservation Area Unveils 15-Year Strategic Roadmap
The Strategic Plan for the Cocos Marine Conservation Area is an innovative long-term strategic planning tool.
This initiative resulted in a portfolio of nine projects addressing the needs identified in the Strategic Plan.
The Cocos Marine Conservation Area (ACMC) and the Cocos Island Friends Foundation (FAICO) have developed an innovative and strategic roadmap through the 2025-2040 Strategic Plan and its portfolio of nine key projects. This effort aims to ensure efficient management of Cocos Island National Park (PNIC) and the Bicentennial Marine Management Area (AMMB), which together triple Costa Rica’s terrestrial territory.
The plan was developed over six months using a Theory of Change approach, identifying critical challenges and outlining five strategic lines to address conservation obstacles. Each line includes clear objectives for the next 5, 10, and 15 years, with specific indicators and designated responsibilities.
The project portfolio responds to the needs identified in the plan and offers practical solutions to address critical gaps in managing the country’s marine protected areas. These projects also enhance Costa Rica’s participation in regional initiatives such as the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor (CMAR).
“This tool allows us to envision the future of the ACMC with clear goals: to conserve biodiversity and promote the sustainable use of ecosystem services,” said Esteban Herrera, Director of Protected Wilderness Areas at ACMC.
The Strategic Plan and its portfolio represent a participatory planning model, supported by allies such as the Bezos Earth Fund, Re:wild, and The Wyss Foundation. For Alejandra Villalobos, FAICO’s Executive Director, this effort reinforces the significance of Cocos Island at both local and international levels: “It includes the participation of key stakeholders and underscores its importance as a global conservation symbol.”
Through this joint effort, FAICO and ACMC are paving the way for a more sustainable ocean, ensuring transformative outcomes for marine conservation in Costa Rica and enabling the effective management of over 30% of the country’s marine territory.