Guardians of the Sea Program

On May 27, 2022, the Cocos Marine Conservation Area (ACMC) carried out as part of the implementation of its Environmental Education Plan a visit to the community of Isla Venado in the Gulf of Nicoya, Puntarenas, with the support of the Pacific Marine Park, the University of Costa Rica, the National University, Friends of Cocos Island Foundation (FAICO), the Ministry of Public Education, the Red Cross, Latin America Agrialim S.A., Epa, Aliarse, and the Latin American Education Network for the Ocean.

During the visit, the Guardians of the Sea book was presented.  It is part of a program aimed at children as one of the priority target audiences of the education plan, which also promotes the integration of educational centers so that they learn about the safeguarding of Marine Protected Areas, such as Cocos Island, the largest national park in Costa Rica.

Geiner GolfinIt is extremely important to be able to get the message of conservation of our resources to children, through this book, Guardians of the Sea, which seeks to promote not only reading but also reinforce values and create awareness of how vital it is to protect, conserve, and make good use of marine resources, both coastal and oceanic.  Under the concept of Guardians of the Sea, we disclose the importance of our national parks, particularly of Cocos Island, which as a protected marine area makes a significant contribution to the country and to the region.  This joint effort between the Cocos Marine Conservation Area and the Friends of Cocos Island Foundation puts us face to face with the great challenge of being able to bring marine environmental education to many parts of Costa Rica

said Geiner Golfín, Park Ranger and Manager of the ACMC Natural and Cultural Resources Program.

The activity had the participation of officials from MEP, UNA, UCR, and Pacific Marine Park, park rangers, Red Cross, Grupo Maromero, and leaders of the Isla Venado community, where recreational activities were carried out, such as the official act of launching the Guardians of the Sea Program, the signing of a letter of intent to consolidate an agreement between the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) and the Pacific Marine Park, and a concert with Grupo Maromero. This space served as an integration of the fathers and mothers of Isla Venado and to strengthen synergies among institutions.

The production of the Guardians of the Sea book is one of the products of the project

For FAICO, investing and consolidating efforts aimed at environmental education represents one of the keys to strengthen the knowledge of different generations and audiences about the importance of Cocos Island and its ecosystems.

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