Current Projects
Faico – Blue Nature Alliance
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan and ACMC Risk Management: Marine Protected Areas protect habitats and ecosystems from fisheries and other human activities, allow already damaged areas and… Read more.
- Partnership for Marine Education and Conservation: A partnership among SINAC, EPA, ALIARSE, and FAICO focused on the implementation of the ACMC’s Environmental Education Plan… Read more.
- Technical-scientific, social, financial, and legal feasibility of possible changes and/or modifications of the marine protected areas of the Cocos Marine Conservation Area.… Read more.
- Microplastics in marine and freshwater environments in Cocos Island National Park: Microplastics are very small pieces of plastics, which can come from two sources… Read more…
- Ecological Monitoring Protocol for Large Pelagic Species: For a long time, the natural ecosystems of Costa Rica could not be compared on a national or regional scale… Read more…
- Support in the maintenance of Equipment and Infrastructure: After the preparation of the Equipment and Infrastructure Maintenance Plan, FAICO contributes to the maintenance and equipping of infrastructure… Read more.
- Mooring system for boats: It includes the installation of a specialized mooring system for large vessels in the Cocos Island National Park. … Read more.
- Relationship between the movement of the fishing fleet in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and the oceanographic data of the region… Read more.
- Implementation of ACMC Prevention, Protection, and Control Plan: Marine Protected Areas protect entire ecosystems, including habitat and ecosystem function, and protect biodiversity at three levels… Read more.
- Support in the maintenance of Equipment and Infrastructure: After the preparation of the Equipment and Infrastructure Maintenance Plan, FAICO contributes to the maintenance and equipping of infrastructure… Read more.
- Economic assessment of ecosystem services in the Cocos Marine Conservation Area (ACMC) and in adjacent waters: The objective of this project is to identify, classify, and quantify the generation of income in activities that take place in the Cocos Marine Conservation Area (ACMC) and its adjacent waters…Read more.
- Support in the maintenance of Equipment and Infrastructure: After the preparation of the Equipment and Infrastructure Maintenance Plan, FAICO contributes to the maintenance and equipping of infrastructure… Read more.
- Partnership for Marine Education and Conservation: A partnership among SINAC, EPA, ALIARSE, and FAICO focused on the implementation of the ACMC’s Environmental Education Plan… Read more.
- Support in the maintenance of Equipment and Infrastructure: After the preparation of the Equipment and Infrastructure Maintenance Plan, FAICO contributes to the maintenance and equipping of infrastructure… Read more.
- Equipment for supplies of daily use and well-being in the ASP: Since its creation, Faico has invested in the delivery of different supplies for permanent use by park rangers and volunteers… Read more.
Previous Projects
- Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de capacidades del ACMIC para la implementación de acciones establecidas en el plan de manejo del Área Marina de Manejo Montes Submarinos (AMMMS)”, financiado por Conservación Internacional, cuyo objetivo fue ejecutar acciones claves
- Project “Strengthening the capabilities of the ACMIC for the implementation of actions established in the management plan of the Marine Seamounts Management Area (AMMMS)”, financed by Conservation International, with the objective of carrying out key actions for the administration of this new area and improving and/or developing new housing infrastructure for volunteers, researchers, and project collaborators, which allowed the development of COVI “Operative Center for Researchers and Volunteers”
- The project “Expansion of the Park Rangers´ Big House, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix” financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the objective of improving working conditions and room for park rangers of Cocos Island National Park through the construction of lodging facilities. The idea is to build two lodging modules, together with a third one financed by the Embassy of Japan, thus creating a new housing complex called “Rodrigo Carazo Odio”.
- Hydroelectric Projects in Wafer and Chatham Bays. Faico as an articulating actor and member of the working groups of these projects. It managed the donation of the turbines by the Embassy of Japan and supported the ACMC in the coordination and invitation of governmental authorities, experts on this type of projects, for the construction of the Genio Project in Wafer Bay and the Oliver Project in Chatham Bay.
- “Quality of life of park rangers”. On the island there are 21 rangers who have benefited from the donation and delivery of the entire working equipment and other supplies, which have made their work on the island more satisfactory. This program has continuously provided these collaborators with clothing, equipment, training, and others.
- The project “Protection of the Biodiversity of the ACMIC”. For four years, Faico provided accounting and financial administration services to this project, financed by the French Global Environment Facility. In the project assessment report, the committee highlighted the quality of financial monitoring and file archives of the project; a total of one million three hundred thousand dollars was executed.
- Project “Strengthening the capabilities of the ACMIC for the implementation of actions established in the management plan of the Marine Seamounts Management Area (AMMMS)”, financed by Conservation International, with the objective of carrying out key actions for the administration of this new area and improving and/or developing new housing infrastructure for volunteers, researchers, and project collaborators, which allowed the development of COVI “Operative Center for Researchers and Volunteers”
- The project “Expansion of the Park Rangers Big House, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix” financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the objective of improving working conditions and room for park rangers of Cocos Island National Park through the construction of lodging facilities. The idea is to build two lodging modules, together with a third one financed by the Embassy of Japan, thus creating a new housing complex called “Rodrigo Carazo Odio”.
- Hydroelectric Projects in Wafer and Chatham Bays. Faico as an articulating actor and member of the working groups of these projects. It managed the donation of the turbines by the Embassy of Japan and supported the ACMC in the coordination and invitation of governmental authorities, experts on this type of projects, for the construction of the Genio Project in Wafer Bay and the Oliver Project in Chatham Bay.
- “Quality of life of park rangers”. In the island there are 21 rangers who have benefited from the donation and delivery of the entire working equipment and other supplies, which have made their work on the island more satisfactory. This program has continuously provided these collaborators with clothing, equipment, training, and others.
- The project “Protection of the Biodiversity of the ACMIC”. For four years, Faico provided accounting and financial administration services to this project, financed by the French Global Environment Facility. In the project assessment report, the committee highlighted the quality of financial monitoring and file archives of the project, a total of one million three hundred thousand dollars was executed.
- Project: “Implementation of Signs and Improvement of the Trails of the Public Zone of Cocos Island National Park” with the objective of contributing to the improvement of the infrastructure of the trails and public use areas of the CINP, thus strengthening security and timely information for the visitor. This project entailed the donation of fifty-five signs.
- The declaration as “World Natural Heritage Site” by UNESCO, which occurred thanks to a joint effort between Faico and the Government of Costa Rica. This declaration was achieved in 1998, recognizing the historical value and biodiversity of Cocos Island.
- The program “Training on biology, fisheries, and conservation of pelagic species that inhabit or visit CINP and its surroundings” allowed Faico to support the training and strengthening of the development of theoretical modules for park rangers on biology, ecology, conservation, and fishery of pelagic species that inhabit and visit Cocos Island, to apply this knowledge in the field, and to furnish CINP with special tools and equipment for the management of natural resources in partnership with Asociación Conservacionista Misión Tiburón.
- The project “Movement and habitat use of the most common shark species of CINP” represented the second partnership with Asociación Conservacionista Misión Tiburón to start a new stage for the acoustic and satellite marking (2016) of sharks in CINP, giving continuity to a conventional marking project initiated by Misión Tiburón and the park rangers of the island since 2010 in Chatham and Wafer Bays.